Organic Ground Sappanwood Extract

£10.00 Sold Out

Image of Organic Ground Sappanwood Extract

Organic Ground Sappanwood Extract


A plant based pink, from the heart wood of the Sappan Tree, Caesalpinia Sappan.


Although it is not very lightfast it has good washfastness so best to store dyed items out of sunlight in a dark drawer or cupboard and overdye as fading occurs.

Rosy pinks to deep maroon/ dark red rose red and purples.
The dye vat goes a long way by giving several beautiful shades of light pink or purple once exhausted.

Caesalpinia Sappan


25% WOF - light pinks
50% WOF - Medium pinks/red
100% WOF - Deep crimsons

To make a dye, add enough boiling water to make a paste then more for a solution with enough space for the required fibres to move around freely in.
Boil for 60 mins then strain through cheesecloth. Add fibres and heat for 60 mins until the desired depth of colour is acquired. Leave to saturate overnight for deeper shades. Remove and wash, rinse, air dry.
Ref Botanical Inks book for further info on dyeing instructions for cellulose/protein fibres, mordanting.

Air courier from India to UK
Shipped from Botanical Inks in Bristol via Royal Mail

Packaged in natural unbleached food grade waxed paper and secured natural plant gum paper tape and 100% natural unbleached twine and placed inside a biodegradable corn starch mailer bag - safe for health and environment.
